Connecting Bainbridge: S.A.F.E Mobility!

Consider Getting Involved / Support this item on the Ballot

  • Do you know an Islander that bikes?
  • Ever looked at the roads they may travel as though it was you?
  • Did it make you worry about them? What about walking around your neighborhood?
  • Is it comfortable, waking the dog daily?



Squeaky Wheels has been advocating for our CORE 40 local roads to be addressed for safety standards and improvements with sufficient shoulders and climbing lanes, connecting trails to community hubs.  These are features that are included in the City of Bainbridge Island’s Island Wide Transportation Plan, with Multi Modal planning which offers safe access for all users and abilities for the long term benefit of the Islanders.


A citizen task force, Bainbridge Mobility Alliance, surveyed island residents and asked several key questions, what they found was:

88% want to see SHOULDER IMPROVEMENTS on primary roads.
76% would like PATHS and TRAILS to Allow Kids safe biking and walking to school.

  • BMA- following months of meetings and public workshops made recommendations to the City Council, with much review and debate resolution 2018-21 was approved, and SAFE Levy will be on the ballet this November.
  • WHY- Many islanders don’t feel safe when walking, biking, or using a wheelchair on the Is.
  • AS we grow the most important aspects of our infrastructure needs to provide a safe, connected network that serves people of all ages and abilities.
  • KIDS- the Non-Motorized network allows for students of all ages to safely bike and walk to school.
  • CONGESTION- could be mitigated if more people felt they could safely bike and walk from home to the town, reducing the number of cars needing parking.
  • DRIVERS- would need not risk crossing the center line into on coming traffic with good shoulders for bikes, dog walkers and pedestrians around the island.